Strangers In Paradise Volume One Hardcover Edition PRE-ORDER

We’re excited to offer the first of four volumes of the new format for Strangers In Paradise and it’s now available for pre order! The 484 page hardcover is only available through Abstract Studio and will ship in mid June. The epic SiP story has been equally divided into four volumes priced at $38.95 each. Volume One is 484 pages in glorious black & white with a new cover. The hardcover is only available here at our website. A softcover version will hit the market this summer and will be our retail version for stores and libraries around the globe. What will happen to the previous SiP collections—the Pocket Editions and the Omnibus box set? They will not be reprinted. We will continue to sell them until they are sold out, so you can still buy them to complete your collection. But once they are gone the new 4-volume collection will rule the kingdom from that day forth. All hail the king of SiP collections!

After Dark… kickstarter update: 6 Days Left!

As I write this we have 6 days left to go on our Kickstarter campaign for the new art book AFTER DARK.. and we are so happy the project has been well received. We’ve passed the final stretch goal—so every book order gets every stretch goal perk we offered—and the project support continues to grow! As we enter our final week on the month-long campaign I want to thank Pat Shand for his invaluable help with our first campaign. Pat has made the experience smooth and trouble free. Pat should be on everybody’s radar, he’s a wonderful writer and I once did a cover for one of his series, Destiny,NY. Check him out.

Fun fact here: The title and cover design were Robyn’s idea. Here it from roughs to final.

 Available for pre-order!