I’m happy to announce Strangers In Paradise #3 came out this week and readers will be able to find out if and how Katchoo gets out of her cliffhanger. I have plenty more to say about this new chapter, but I have to let the story speak for itself. This may be the hardest part of writing—not talking about your writing until people have had a chance to read it. So please check out the new issue because I’m dying to talk about it.
Behind the scenes, we’ve been hard at work on a couple of things. For one, the Strangers In Paradise Gallery Edition is finally finished. This is a big 11 x 17 inch book featuring the art of SIP from inception to now. We’re co-publishing this with Graphitti Designs who have been making these big beautiful books for several years now. You owe it to yourself to check them out because they are special, the kind of book you keep and enjoy for life. Look for our book to come out in August. For details on the book and ordering, see my previous post about it.
I’m also working on the script for a Strangers In Paradise movie. I’ve always written my stories with visuals in mind, but writing the movie script has taken it to a new level. I have to be careful not to cast it in my mind and write for a certain actor because that’s not doing all the other candidates any favors. Just focus on the story and the characters as I see them—that’s what I keep reminding myself. But it’s fun to imagine the perfect fit and how everything would come to life.
My next show is the Denver Comic Con and I just found out my pal Jeff the Bone Smith will be there. Should be a good show, ya’ll.
Okay, I have to get back to work on issue, #4. And I’m dying to talk with you about it but I have to wait for you to read 3 first!
Oh just one more thing… we have a new neighbor who built her house right next to our window. She’s pregnant—I think it’s twins—and I haven’t seen the husband since they moved in. Either he travels for a living or they’ve split and she’s a single mom. Every morning I sit by the window and talk with her and I think she’s gotten used to me. You can probably guess the two names I’ve picked out for the babies.